Today was an unusually productive day in our home. We arose before the sun thanks to a (still) sick little girl, hopped in the shower, ate breakfast, and went grocery shopping. Then, when we came home, I had two loaves of Amish friendship bread to bake, which got me in the mood for more baking. When all was said and done, I made two loaves of the bread, four dozen sugar cookies (with homemade frosting!) and homemade spaghetti sauce for dinner. In the middle of all of that, I managed to sneak an hour nap on the couch while my husband watched the debacle of a football game (Skins) and the kids napped. As I've mentioned before, Figgy is sick. She came down with a URI last Saturday and the cough has gotten worse. Last night, she could not stop coughing and today she was just miserable with a fever (later in the evening). After dinner, I laid down on the couch with Figgy and she fell asleep (drool and snot all over mommy's shirt, thank you very much). I told Jason to go ahead and take Ethan up for bath since she was sound asleep and snoring. Do you know that as soon as Jason said, "Ethan. Bath, let's go!", that Ellie sat straight up and said, "Ready!" She wobbled as she got down, still half asleep but determined that she was not going to miss a bath! LOL!
After bath, she climbed up on my tummy and Ethan decided he needed to be up there with this is the picture that resulted...(I am cut out because it was a TERRIBLE picture!).

This is Ethan's eye, day two.

It seems that today was the day for baking in our neighborhood because our favorite neighbor knocked on our door with a tray full of homemade goodies. She made chocolate peppermint bark, chocolate matzo (Greek thing), coconut macaroons (I'm allergic, but Jason loves them), homemade biscotti and some Chex thing where you dip them in chocolate-peanut butter and drench them in powdered sugar. I am so not at that level of baking, yet! LOL!
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