Speaking of movies, we tend to shy away from going to the movies anymore because it seems no one has respect for the people around them anymore. Inevitably, we end up with people around us who want to talk on their phones or act obnoxious in other ways. First, let me say we had some extremely well mannered younger kids in our aisle. Every single time they passed us, they would say, "excuse me, please" and "thank you." I was like, "have we entered the Twilight Zone?" It appeared as though we were actually going to be able to enjoy our movie. Ha! Just as the movie was getting started, two women were walking in cackling and talking as though they were going to be the only two in the theatre. And, where did they sit? Yeah. Right. Next. To. Us. I think I almost hyperventilated and broke out into hives from nerves. All in all, though, we enjoyed our time away from the kids. In the beginning, we were pretty good about date night once a month, at least. We kinda veered away from that practice as the kids have gotten older and, as Jason will tell you, we sort of just go into zombie mode after they're in bed. It's a typical scene in our house to find me sitting mindlessly on the laptop (after coming home from the gym) and Jason to be laying on the couch, channel surfing. We're going to devote Saturday night's to just us, for a while, at least. We need to get back on track as a couple and remember that we loved each other for "x, y and z."
I'm redesigning the kids room, now that they're toddlers and I've been able to get a real idea of what they love. Several months ago, I purhased wall clings from Target that are a jungle animal motif. So, on the back of the door and on the closet door, I've hung elephants, giraffes, monkeys, and snakes. They LOVE them. In addition, Jason's aunt and uncle bought them several HUGE (4 feet tall) stuffed animals for Christmas last year. They have a panda, gorilla, elephant, giraffe and zebra. So, while perusing etsy.com, I came across these:

The first two designs come in a pack of four. All are available in any color choices. You should see the huge ants she has, too, that come in a pack of 30, I think? I wanted to get those but, after much thought, it would give me the heebie jeebies. Then, from their ceiling, I'm going to get some fishing wire and hang 24 of these:

Each wall in their room will be a different color. I'm thinking shades of green/yellow. I found some great color choices at Behr; honeydew (410A-3), southern breeze (450E-3) and periodot (430C-3). The ceiling, I'm thinking, should be a very pale blue since the butterflies will be hanging. I can't wait to get the supplies! They should be here within the next week!
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