This sounds like it could come from our house on any given night.
She's really funny!
As far as the latest and greatest from our place:
I'm still fighting with this freaking etsy seller. She gave me this boo-hoo sob story. I'm sorry, I say and then I tell her that it is customary to put up notification of vacation so that sellers are not waiting. She tells me she didn't have time to do this. Does she think I'm a natural blond? (Well, okay, so I *am*.) I've already checked out her website and know she put up a notification to her business customers that she'd be on vacation from "x" until "y." She tells me she'll issue a refund. Refund has yet to come through and paypal sends me a rejection notice stating the funds are not available. Now I'm dressed in full war regalia ready to do battle. She has a website, she is an LLC. She does business through and a few other places. My mission: to leave as many negative comments as I possibly can until she issues a refund. I will not go down without shedding blood!
I am on the prowl for business cards and cards to attach my hair clips and bows to. I need something to show my clothing on, too, at the festival. Do you know how much goes into these shows? People take this stuff seriously!
:pause: The Professor has turned on the television to static, turned it up rather loudly, and is standing in front of it, nose to the screen, shaking his head back and forth. Cue Poltergeist music... :/pause:
And back to our regularly scheduled blog update.
Figgy has taken to doing everything she's not supposed to do this week. And, before she does it, she looks right at you and says, "no, no baby." Then, she proceeds to cackle that evil Figgy laughter (the Wicked Witch of the West has nothing on my daughter) and proceed forward. She is also keen on the idea of placing her hands on either sides of your cheeks, squinting her eyes, and patting you really hard before falling against you and hugging you violently. It is a fun time in our house lately, as she and her brother stand at the top of the stairs and yell, "Uh oh! Oh, noooooo!" while they throw toys down the steps.
The Professor...what can I say about the Professor? His obsession with books has reached an all-time high and we spent three hours in the morning pointing out every. single. dot and picture. He can tell you what every animal in the world says, but he will not say the name of the animal. His favorite pasttime is tackling Figgy and howling with laughter until he coughs. The poor dog has had to spend her afternoons leisurely sprawled across my bed in order to recoup from the morning wrestling sessions with the kids. She is the best dog any family could ever ask for (a close second is the world's largest black lab that lives next door, named Jack). He (the Professor, not the dog) has had a growth spurt. As I sit here looking at him, I see that his 18-month outfit is cutting him too short in the crotch.
Have I mentioned we're going on vacation in a few weeks? (If that's what you want to call it, that is.) Vacation. If you're looking for us, we'll be the family with the small u-haul parked on the beach. My idea of vacation has always been walking up when I want to and crawling out the front door to the beach where I sit until the sun goes down and complain about how my face hurts because I fell asleep and no one woke me upl; yet I do it again, year after year. It does not involve driving four hours so that I can still wake up at the crack of dawn only to pack up a small storage container to haul down the walk to the beach where we have to take up a small acre with beach chairs, umbrellas, a small pool, a play yard, a mini-fridge (with an extension cord that reaches several miles), blankets, towels, toys, and a year's supply of suntan lotion; only to pack it up and do it again tomorrow.
Fun, fun, fun!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Broken heart
The Professor broke my heart into a tiny million pieces on Saturday night and I may never be the same.
After naptime, we headed down to the deep south to visit my brother and sister-in-law (and beautiful niece!) in Fredericksburg...or is it Chancellorsville? I don't know; it's in the south, though, that's for sure. ;) Figgy and The Professor just love their cousin to death and spent a good part of the evening running through the house, squealing. There was a good portion of time spent in the pool, shriveling up like little prunes, and we're all covered in welts from the 747-sized mosquitos that they have in the south. Do you know those suckers thrive on Deet? They suck it up like cheap vodka!
Anyway, after we had a wonderful evening (they made kabobs!), we were getting ready to head out and my sister-in-law was holding The Professor. He was quite content where he was, in her arms, and when I went to reach for him to put him in the car, he freaked out and held onto Lisa for dear life! TWICE!
I even told him he could stay the week with his Aunt Lisa and he seemed perfectly fine with that.
Is this what it has come to? Figgy is giving her father dirty looks and The Professor would rather hang with his Aunt Lisa?
Friday, July 25, 2008
Reverisble Bird Seed Skirt GIVEAWAY!!!!
Reverisble Bird Seed Skirt GIVEAWAY!!!!
Trying again! This would be magnificent for our days by the pond feeding the Canadian geese.
Trying again! This would be magnificent for our days by the pond feeding the Canadian geese.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
18-month appointment
Ellie: 23.10 lbs; 32 inches
Ethan:: 24.03 lbs; 33 inches
Figgy had her appointment today and did beautifully! She had a slight emotional reaction to the shots, but perked up as soon as I picked her up and we headed out. Dr. W is very pleased with her growth and development and reiterated that she wants to take my kids on the road as poster kids for what a healthy diet is about. LOL! I told her now mommy and daddy just need to follow suit. ;)
Ethan:: 24.03 lbs; 33 inches
Figgy had her appointment today and did beautifully! She had a slight emotional reaction to the shots, but perked up as soon as I picked her up and we headed out. Dr. W is very pleased with her growth and development and reiterated that she wants to take my kids on the road as poster kids for what a healthy diet is about. LOL! I told her now mommy and daddy just need to follow suit. ;)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The best toy ever... our home, anyway!
Okay, so, aside from boxes. :)
I picked up a gift for our neighbor the other day and I was so excited about this! I turned out to be the best thing, ever, for our two. I strategically placed them in the diaper bag, so that when we're out and they get fussy, I have something harmless for them to do. You simply must check this out. There's no mess, no fuss, you just add water to the tube and they color with it. When the page dries, the picture disappears. Yaaaay, Aquadoodle!
Elizabeth has a new catch phrase: "Oh nooooo...peas!" (Read: Oh, no. Please!) Her favorite past time is taking Ethan's blankie and walking up to him, waving it in his face, and squealing with delight as she runs across the room with him chasing after her. They are the best of friends. :)
Ethan has mastered the art of animal sounds. He can tell you what the following animals say: cow, puffer fish, dolphin, dog, cat, sheep, snake, lion, bear, snowman (brrrrrr) and chicken. If you ask him to show you the puffer fish, he will frantically look for his fish book and open the pages until he finds it. His sound for cat is, "prrrrrr..." We had to move their cribs to the center of the room, so that they were touching. Ethan was waking up every night in the middle of the night, sobbing and wailing. On a whim, I moved the cribs together so that he could be closer to Elizabeth. It turned out to be the saving grace and he is sleeping peacefully again. He does wake up after his naps, in a state of panic, when he realizes Elizabeth is not there. She doesn't sleep as long as he does and I go in to get her but he continues sleeping. He is very dependent on her being near. It's a very sweet thought. He's such a sensitive child.
Okay, so, aside from boxes. :)
I picked up a gift for our neighbor the other day and I was so excited about this! I turned out to be the best thing, ever, for our two. I strategically placed them in the diaper bag, so that when we're out and they get fussy, I have something harmless for them to do. You simply must check this out. There's no mess, no fuss, you just add water to the tube and they color with it. When the page dries, the picture disappears. Yaaaay, Aquadoodle!
Elizabeth has a new catch phrase: "Oh nooooo...peas!" (Read: Oh, no. Please!) Her favorite past time is taking Ethan's blankie and walking up to him, waving it in his face, and squealing with delight as she runs across the room with him chasing after her. They are the best of friends. :)
Ethan has mastered the art of animal sounds. He can tell you what the following animals say: cow, puffer fish, dolphin, dog, cat, sheep, snake, lion, bear, snowman (brrrrrr) and chicken. If you ask him to show you the puffer fish, he will frantically look for his fish book and open the pages until he finds it. His sound for cat is, "prrrrrr..." We had to move their cribs to the center of the room, so that they were touching. Ethan was waking up every night in the middle of the night, sobbing and wailing. On a whim, I moved the cribs together so that he could be closer to Elizabeth. It turned out to be the saving grace and he is sleeping peacefully again. He does wake up after his naps, in a state of panic, when he realizes Elizabeth is not there. She doesn't sleep as long as he does and I go in to get her but he continues sleeping. He is very dependent on her being near. It's a very sweet thought. He's such a sensitive child.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Multi-purpose toys
Well, here is what the craft project ended up looking like:

The lion is actually on the other side, now, as I played with the arrangement. I'm currently working on a puppet theater so that these can be used for different things. Since they're on long dowels, I figured it'd be fun to use them as puppets. It's nothing glamorous and it's a simple project to put together, but the kids squealed with delight when they saw it.

The lion is actually on the other side, now, as I played with the arrangement. I'm currently working on a puppet theater so that these can be used for different things. Since they're on long dowels, I figured it'd be fun to use them as puppets. It's nothing glamorous and it's a simple project to put together, but the kids squealed with delight when they saw it.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Props to our county firefighters.
So, figgy and our little professor got to spend some quality time with Gramma Wendy last night. We got out for the night and headed up to Annapolis to the Sly Fox Pub with our dearest friends, V&M. Gabe and Gabby came out, which was really nice because I've never met Gabby. I feel like I know her, though. LOL! Gabe somehow got my e-mail address off of a group e-mail that went around a year or two ago and thought that I was someone he knew (same name). So, I've followed the story of Gabe and Gabby the last 18 months or so. In any event, I should have learned years ago that any friends of V&M are friends of ours. The pub is a relaxing little nook in downtown Annapolis, near the water, with an outside courtyard. Timmy plays his live music and people walk in and out with their dogs. It's a neighborhood hangout; many people just pull their boats up to the dock and hang out at the local pubs along the main drag. It was a gorgeous night with a slight breeze off the water, the stars shining bright and, most importantly, we were surrounded by really good company. We were home by 3:30am and collapsed into bed; the kids were awake at 7:00am. I wanted to shoot myself in the head.
We had a fairly busy Saturday. The kids were up bright and early and we spent the morning and much of the early afternoon outside celebrating the 3rd birthday for our sweet neighbor. There were slip-n-slides, pools, and a sprinkler ball. The hit of the party, by far, was the arrival of a fire truck! A fire truck! Kristy stopped by and asked the local station if they'd be willing to come by for a bit. I'd say the kids loved every minute of it, but it was definitely a hit for the "big boys". ;) My dear, sweet husband...stopped dead in his tracks and squealed like a little boy at Christmas. The husbands stood around the truck, pointing and whispering, then giggling to each other and reminiscing about their dreams of being firefighters as children. The guys (the real firefighters) were really cool with the kids and let everyone climb in and out (the little kids, not the "big boys") of the truck and watch the spinners on the front. They pulled out the ladder and, when it was time to leave, the siren let out a wail and the horn was beeped. There were tears of excitement in the eyes of all the dads as they waved goodbye. LOL!

I wanted to clear something up...please, please don't take any offense to what I say here. It's a sort of outlet for me and a way to keep all of you up to date with the kids (along with crafty stuff). Sometimes I have days where I feel like a complete failure as a mom, because I look at the parents around me who have singletons (one child or several children born at different times) and watch them doing things with their kids that I'm not able to do with mine when I'm alone during the day. (Large parks, swimming lessons, music lessons, etc...) I'm honestly not slamming anyone, it's strictly me feeling like I'm not able to offer my kids the sort of life that they really deserve. I struggle with feeling like maybe I'm doing them a huge disservice by keeping them at home and not putting them in daycare. Then, I struggle with the guilt of putting them in daycare and not seeing them very much. It's an internal fight that I'm sure I'll battle for the rest of their lives.
We had a fairly busy Saturday. The kids were up bright and early and we spent the morning and much of the early afternoon outside celebrating the 3rd birthday for our sweet neighbor. There were slip-n-slides, pools, and a sprinkler ball. The hit of the party, by far, was the arrival of a fire truck! A fire truck! Kristy stopped by and asked the local station if they'd be willing to come by for a bit. I'd say the kids loved every minute of it, but it was definitely a hit for the "big boys". ;) My dear, sweet husband...stopped dead in his tracks and squealed like a little boy at Christmas. The husbands stood around the truck, pointing and whispering, then giggling to each other and reminiscing about their dreams of being firefighters as children. The guys (the real firefighters) were really cool with the kids and let everyone climb in and out (the little kids, not the "big boys") of the truck and watch the spinners on the front. They pulled out the ladder and, when it was time to leave, the siren let out a wail and the horn was beeped. There were tears of excitement in the eyes of all the dads as they waved goodbye. LOL!

I wanted to clear something up...please, please don't take any offense to what I say here. It's a sort of outlet for me and a way to keep all of you up to date with the kids (along with crafty stuff). Sometimes I have days where I feel like a complete failure as a mom, because I look at the parents around me who have singletons (one child or several children born at different times) and watch them doing things with their kids that I'm not able to do with mine when I'm alone during the day. (Large parks, swimming lessons, music lessons, etc...) I'm honestly not slamming anyone, it's strictly me feeling like I'm not able to offer my kids the sort of life that they really deserve. I struggle with feeling like maybe I'm doing them a huge disservice by keeping them at home and not putting them in daycare. Then, I struggle with the guilt of putting them in daycare and not seeing them very much. It's an internal fight that I'm sure I'll battle for the rest of their lives.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Thanks so much to LovelyLittleLovelies for the link to this site. Like I needed *another* site to waste time on! :) Polyvore!

That is the outfit I'm going to work towards. And this is, for now (at least), my dream bedroom.

That is the outfit I'm going to work towards. And this is, for now (at least), my dream bedroom.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Room design
First, let me express how truly bummed I am. I have experienced my first non-delivery with This makes me feel:

I've had nothing but wonderful transactions with the sellers there. I've been inspired to open my own shop and have been ordering supplies to stock up on for the shop and for the festival that our little town has every fall. Well, I ordered a good amount of supplies from someone and he has not returned any e-mails, any convo requests, any conversations through paypal and no response to etsy's requests. As much as I hated the idea of leaving negative feedback, that's exactly what I did. Bummer. Hopefully I'll get my money back. It's stinky because he was the only one that had the merchandise I was looking for. I've searched EVERYWHERE for it.
Anyway, I talked last week about the wall appliques of jungle animals that I purchased and the butterflys for the ceiling of the twins' room. Tonight, I got out on my own for a little bit and found myself wandering the aisles of Michaels, aimlessly. That's a dangerous place for someone like myself to wander. But, I had a gift card and it was burning a deep and painful hole in my pocket. I picked up a really cool pair of needlenosed pliers and some much needed crafting wire. Then, I found the wood section and the bin of jungle animals! I picked up 7 large jungle animals and 7 dowel rods of varying lengths (all around 36" in height). Then, I picked up some of that green styrofoam that goes into plant boxes and lots of jungle-type greenery. My thought (and I'll post a picture tomorrow) is to glue the animals to the tops of the dowels and stick the dowels into the foam. Then, I'll fill the pot that I purchased with the greenery and stick the animals in there at different heights. It'll be smashing! I can't wait to just get started on their room. I love what we did, originally, but that was for a nursery. My kids are big kids now and quickly entering the terrible 2s.

I've had nothing but wonderful transactions with the sellers there. I've been inspired to open my own shop and have been ordering supplies to stock up on for the shop and for the festival that our little town has every fall. Well, I ordered a good amount of supplies from someone and he has not returned any e-mails, any convo requests, any conversations through paypal and no response to etsy's requests. As much as I hated the idea of leaving negative feedback, that's exactly what I did. Bummer. Hopefully I'll get my money back. It's stinky because he was the only one that had the merchandise I was looking for. I've searched EVERYWHERE for it.
Anyway, I talked last week about the wall appliques of jungle animals that I purchased and the butterflys for the ceiling of the twins' room. Tonight, I got out on my own for a little bit and found myself wandering the aisles of Michaels, aimlessly. That's a dangerous place for someone like myself to wander. But, I had a gift card and it was burning a deep and painful hole in my pocket. I picked up a really cool pair of needlenosed pliers and some much needed crafting wire. Then, I found the wood section and the bin of jungle animals! I picked up 7 large jungle animals and 7 dowel rods of varying lengths (all around 36" in height). Then, I picked up some of that green styrofoam that goes into plant boxes and lots of jungle-type greenery. My thought (and I'll post a picture tomorrow) is to glue the animals to the tops of the dowels and stick the dowels into the foam. Then, I'll fill the pot that I purchased with the greenery and stick the animals in there at different heights. It'll be smashing! I can't wait to just get started on their room. I love what we did, originally, but that was for a nursery. My kids are big kids now and quickly entering the terrible 2s.

Sunday, July 13, 2008
A weekend in pictures...
Friday, July 11, 2008
Mini Tree Huggers
In keeping with a conversation I had with my best friend this afternoon about me becoming a tree-hugging hippy, I give you my children:

We went to a new park today and there was just something about this tree stump that kept calling the kids over. Ellie sat and had a 5 minute conversation with it. She was very animated about it, too. She hugged it. No, really. She hugged it. Ethan kept patting it on the "head" and trying to lift it out of the ground. He was very adamant that it needed to be moved into the woods, with the other trees. It was quite a site; my little nature lovers.
So, back to the conversation. V and I were talking about Community Supported Agriculture because my husband and I had decided earlier this year that we wanted to participate. We were spending an obscene amount of money at the grocery store for sub-par fruits and vegetables every week. Figgy and the Prof only eat fruits and veggies, so we were averaging $100/week for their food. V is interested in the concept and the conversation eventually turned to how I'm mellowing out in my old age when it comes to politics. I've become a real life tree hugger, folks. I mean, I've always been a bleeding heart when it comes to animal rights and I scream about how they're cutting down all these trees for mcmansions and office buildings, but my politcal beliefs were extreme and always black & white. Now that I'm older, have two kids, and our financial status has changed dramatically, I find myself fighting for the little guy. It kills me that the local farmers and small shop owners are being pushed out in favor of big business. My goal in life is to raise my kids to respect hard work, the environment, animals and the people around them.
On a different note, how about that throw back to the 70's that I was talking about earlier?
Yep. That's the exact same dress that I wore when I was her age, in 1976. I also wore the exact same shoes. Unfortunately, they're not being worn for style.

We went to a new park today and there was just something about this tree stump that kept calling the kids over. Ellie sat and had a 5 minute conversation with it. She was very animated about it, too. She hugged it. No, really. She hugged it. Ethan kept patting it on the "head" and trying to lift it out of the ground. He was very adamant that it needed to be moved into the woods, with the other trees. It was quite a site; my little nature lovers.
So, back to the conversation. V and I were talking about Community Supported Agriculture because my husband and I had decided earlier this year that we wanted to participate. We were spending an obscene amount of money at the grocery store for sub-par fruits and vegetables every week. Figgy and the Prof only eat fruits and veggies, so we were averaging $100/week for their food. V is interested in the concept and the conversation eventually turned to how I'm mellowing out in my old age when it comes to politics. I've become a real life tree hugger, folks. I mean, I've always been a bleeding heart when it comes to animal rights and I scream about how they're cutting down all these trees for mcmansions and office buildings, but my politcal beliefs were extreme and always black & white. Now that I'm older, have two kids, and our financial status has changed dramatically, I find myself fighting for the little guy. It kills me that the local farmers and small shop owners are being pushed out in favor of big business. My goal in life is to raise my kids to respect hard work, the environment, animals and the people around them.
On a different note, how about that throw back to the 70's that I was talking about earlier?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Growth Spurt
My little mini-man is growing! We had the Professor's 18-month appointment today. (Figgy will have hers in two weeks.) He weighs 24 lbs. 03 oz. and is 33" tall. Dr. W was very, very happy with his development and diet. I still find it funny that so many people are shocked that they eat so many fruits and vegetables. I guess we should count ourselves lucky?
Financially, there may be light at the end of the tunnel. *crosses fingers*
Financially, there may be light at the end of the tunnel. *crosses fingers*
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Ellie concerns me to the point that I believe the base of my root shafts (hair) are gray. Is it possible for my nose hairs to be turning gray? I think it is.
We picked up her new shoes on Monday and she has been wearing them for periods of 3-4 hours. I put them on after breakfast and take them off just before nap time. They get put back on after nap and come off around 6:00. When the shoes are on her feet, she is in sheer misery. She is cranky, whiny and even more clumsy than usual. She is just not a pleasant child to be around and I feel terribly that she has to wear them. I know it must be difficult for her to understand. They're solid little clunkers, too. They look just like the shoes that I had to wear when I was her age (she has the pair, below, in white).

Anyway, we headed to bed early this evening (9:50!!!). I just started to fall asleep when I heard wailing from their bedroom. Ethan has been waking up and hollering for a few minutes, then going back to sleep. This time, however, I knew it wasn't him and I knew Ellie was in trouble. She had that wail that all mother's know means business. She was sobbing and genuinely hysterical. I jumped out of bed, stumbling in the dark, and headed for their room. I stood in the doorway and she immediately stopped, grabbed her panda and sighed, drifting back to sleep. Ah...that sweet, abused, lovable panda. He is bigger than she is and she loves him so. She empties her crib of her blanket and books so that they can snuggle together in peace and quiet. He is her "na."
So why am I up, you say? I think my body has flipped the switch and I am officially confused about time. I spend my days working through the motions in a sleepy fog. When the sun goes down, I go into overdrive and have this sudden burst of energy. Tonight, I went to Whole Foods and shopped in record time. On the drive home, I had the backyard design planned and built, I had the kitchen floor scrubbed, the bushes out front trimmed, the dog walked, the baby clothes hung and put away, my list complete for the doctor tomorrow (18-month appointment) and the new tile floors for the basement picked out. Of course, once I got home and put the groceries away, I sat down on the couch for a moment and was ready for bed. But, in my mind, I was a busy woman!
Wait until you see this outfit that I've got picked out for Ellie tomorrow! It's a shout-out to the 70's, ya'll. In fact, I wore it when I was her age. Who knew my wardrobe from 1975 would be so hugely popular again for my kids?!?! That's a hoot. Jason was perusing the photo albums tonight and had a good, hearty laugh at the clothing back then. In one picture, my dad was wearing navy blue and light blue checkered pants with a tight navy blue turtleneck. list of things to do in the next two months:
As I sit here tonight, listening to the hum of the fan and the dog snoring, I feel magical. I love my little life.
We picked up her new shoes on Monday and she has been wearing them for periods of 3-4 hours. I put them on after breakfast and take them off just before nap time. They get put back on after nap and come off around 6:00. When the shoes are on her feet, she is in sheer misery. She is cranky, whiny and even more clumsy than usual. She is just not a pleasant child to be around and I feel terribly that she has to wear them. I know it must be difficult for her to understand. They're solid little clunkers, too. They look just like the shoes that I had to wear when I was her age (she has the pair, below, in white).

Anyway, we headed to bed early this evening (9:50!!!). I just started to fall asleep when I heard wailing from their bedroom. Ethan has been waking up and hollering for a few minutes, then going back to sleep. This time, however, I knew it wasn't him and I knew Ellie was in trouble. She had that wail that all mother's know means business. She was sobbing and genuinely hysterical. I jumped out of bed, stumbling in the dark, and headed for their room. I stood in the doorway and she immediately stopped, grabbed her panda and sighed, drifting back to sleep. Ah...that sweet, abused, lovable panda. He is bigger than she is and she loves him so. She empties her crib of her blanket and books so that they can snuggle together in peace and quiet. He is her "na."
So why am I up, you say? I think my body has flipped the switch and I am officially confused about time. I spend my days working through the motions in a sleepy fog. When the sun goes down, I go into overdrive and have this sudden burst of energy. Tonight, I went to Whole Foods and shopped in record time. On the drive home, I had the backyard design planned and built, I had the kitchen floor scrubbed, the bushes out front trimmed, the dog walked, the baby clothes hung and put away, my list complete for the doctor tomorrow (18-month appointment) and the new tile floors for the basement picked out. Of course, once I got home and put the groceries away, I sat down on the couch for a moment and was ready for bed. But, in my mind, I was a busy woman!
Wait until you see this outfit that I've got picked out for Ellie tomorrow! It's a shout-out to the 70's, ya'll. In fact, I wore it when I was her age. Who knew my wardrobe from 1975 would be so hugely popular again for my kids?!?! That's a hoot. Jason was perusing the photo albums tonight and had a good, hearty laugh at the clothing back then. In one picture, my dad was wearing navy blue and light blue checkered pants with a tight navy blue turtleneck. list of things to do in the next two months:
- Clean up the backyard and figure out how to get rid of crabgrass.
- Build planter boxes to flank the back gate.
- Get moss off the concrete patio. (Bleach, perhaps?)
- Build fence to surround a/c unit.
- Trim azalea bushes out front so that they're not so overpowering and uniform.
- Plant new flowers out front.
- Have carpets cleaned.
- Move china cabinet to opposite wall in dining room.
- Paint the kids bedroom.
- Yard sale
- Complete orders for Fall Festival.
- Re-upholster dining room chairs.
- Build niece's headboard.
As I sit here tonight, listening to the hum of the fan and the dog snoring, I feel magical. I love my little life.
More Grosgrain genius!
Early Evening Gown GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!
I picked up some cheap fabric and I'm going to sit down at the sewing machine and try to make something for Ellie without using a pattern. I wish I had the creativity that I see from some of these women.
*little green-eyed monster peeks out from the corner*
I picked up some cheap fabric and I'm going to sit down at the sewing machine and try to make something for Ellie without using a pattern. I wish I had the creativity that I see from some of these women.
*little green-eyed monster peeks out from the corner*
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
etsy folks...
I've made several purchases from etsy (obviously). How long should I wait before I report a non-delivery with them and list a negative comment/feedback for the seller? I purchased an item a week ago and haven't heard from the seller. I've tried to contact this person, but I'm not getting a response back. (I've convo'd twice and e-mailed once.) It wasn't until after I ordered that I realized this seller doesn't have a selling history. Believe me, I never would have ordered if I had figured that out earlier. *sigh* There is no change in history from "payment received" and I've received two other items that I ordered from different sellers on the same day.
Monday, July 7, 2008
You are cordially invited...

You are cordially invited to a pity party! Sit back, grab your glass of wine, and raise it in honor of the guest. Cheers, Heather!
Is there a commune of twin mommas out there, somewhere, in this wide world? Can't I just choose to surround myself with some of those mommas, please? Otherwise, I find myself second guessing my parenting skills and decisions and feeling like a complete failure as a mom. I can't go to the park like a mom of singleton(s) can. I can't just "run to the (mall, doctor, grocery store, post office...)." The kids tore the door off my mom's entertainment center this weekend. They got a hold of the (new) container full of wipes and pulled every. single. one. out. Thankfully, I was sound asleep when this happened and my dear husband was tending to the kids (or not tending, depending on how you look at it). ;) (Hi, honey!) You see, I won a bet that our goaltender would not resign his contract and would go elsewhere during the upcoming NHL season. Anyway, I digress...
I get a lot of weird looks and comments when friends invite me to bring the kids to the park. I always have to ask which one, because I know there are only three fully fenced, small toddler parks in our area. Inevitably, because most of our friends have older kids, it's a much larger park. I just can't take both 18 month olds to a larger park that isn't completely fenced in. Even if it is fenced, if it's larger than a small plot of land, then one of the kids ends up on my hip while the other one plays and then we switch. Why? Well, because my kids don't play together outside of the home. They go in opposite directions and, 9 times out of 10, they don't want to play on the playground. They'd much rather explore. It's exhausting and frustrating. It just doesn't work out well and it seems as though no one else understands. Even if you have two singletons, you can't possibly understand.
So, here I am feeling sorry for myself. I'm a terrible mom. I can't do anything right. My kids are going to grow up resenting me because I didn't take them to the big kids park every single day with the other kids.
I did take them to the park today, after we picked up Ellie's new prescription shoes. I let them run up the hill to the playground, but then they just weren't interested in the equipment. They wanted to dig in the dirt and play with the sticks, which was fine. Then, of course, they wanted to run. In opposite directions. My only other option, in order to let them run, was to take them down to the baseball field, which is fully fenced. I opened the gate and they took off, picking flowers, trying to squish bees, chasing their shadows and generally having a great time.
See? I'm a terrible mom. My kids would rather play in an open field, squishing bees than playing on the playground with other kids. What have I done to them? I want them to be social kids, not shy like my husband and I are.
I'm going to spend nap time looking for a twins commune. When I find it, I'll let you know.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Date night
Jason and I had a rare date night opportunity last night. My mom offered to watch the kids and we headed out to catch a late night showing of the new Indiana Jones movie. We stopped and got a scoop of ice cream at B&J's and sat outside in the town center for a bit, chatting and catching up. The movie was great, in my opinion. It definitely wasn't up to par with the older movies and I wasn't too keen on the ending, but it definitely reaffirmed my passion for Harrison Ford. He's a darned good looking gentleman. Can you say a man ages gracefully?
Speaking of movies, we tend to shy away from going to the movies anymore because it seems no one has respect for the people around them anymore. Inevitably, we end up with people around us who want to talk on their phones or act obnoxious in other ways. First, let me say we had some extremely well mannered younger kids in our aisle. Every single time they passed us, they would say, "excuse me, please" and "thank you." I was like, "have we entered the Twilight Zone?" It appeared as though we were actually going to be able to enjoy our movie. Ha! Just as the movie was getting started, two women were walking in cackling and talking as though they were going to be the only two in the theatre. And, where did they sit? Yeah. Right. Next. To. Us. I think I almost hyperventilated and broke out into hives from nerves. All in all, though, we enjoyed our time away from the kids. In the beginning, we were pretty good about date night once a month, at least. We kinda veered away from that practice as the kids have gotten older and, as Jason will tell you, we sort of just go into zombie mode after they're in bed. It's a typical scene in our house to find me sitting mindlessly on the laptop (after coming home from the gym) and Jason to be laying on the couch, channel surfing. We're going to devote Saturday night's to just us, for a while, at least. We need to get back on track as a couple and remember that we loved each other for "x, y and z."
I'm redesigning the kids room, now that they're toddlers and I've been able to get a real idea of what they love. Several months ago, I purhased wall clings from Target that are a jungle animal motif. So, on the back of the door and on the closet door, I've hung elephants, giraffes, monkeys, and snakes. They LOVE them. In addition, Jason's aunt and uncle bought them several HUGE (4 feet tall) stuffed animals for Christmas last year. They have a panda, gorilla, elephant, giraffe and zebra. So, while perusing, I came across these:

The first two designs come in a pack of four. All are available in any color choices. You should see the huge ants she has, too, that come in a pack of 30, I think? I wanted to get those but, after much thought, it would give me the heebie jeebies. Then, from their ceiling, I'm going to get some fishing wire and hang 24 of these:

Each wall in their room will be a different color. I'm thinking shades of green/yellow. I found some great color choices at Behr; honeydew (410A-3), southern breeze (450E-3) and periodot (430C-3). The ceiling, I'm thinking, should be a very pale blue since the butterflies will be hanging. I can't wait to get the supplies! They should be here within the next week!
Speaking of movies, we tend to shy away from going to the movies anymore because it seems no one has respect for the people around them anymore. Inevitably, we end up with people around us who want to talk on their phones or act obnoxious in other ways. First, let me say we had some extremely well mannered younger kids in our aisle. Every single time they passed us, they would say, "excuse me, please" and "thank you." I was like, "have we entered the Twilight Zone?" It appeared as though we were actually going to be able to enjoy our movie. Ha! Just as the movie was getting started, two women were walking in cackling and talking as though they were going to be the only two in the theatre. And, where did they sit? Yeah. Right. Next. To. Us. I think I almost hyperventilated and broke out into hives from nerves. All in all, though, we enjoyed our time away from the kids. In the beginning, we were pretty good about date night once a month, at least. We kinda veered away from that practice as the kids have gotten older and, as Jason will tell you, we sort of just go into zombie mode after they're in bed. It's a typical scene in our house to find me sitting mindlessly on the laptop (after coming home from the gym) and Jason to be laying on the couch, channel surfing. We're going to devote Saturday night's to just us, for a while, at least. We need to get back on track as a couple and remember that we loved each other for "x, y and z."
I'm redesigning the kids room, now that they're toddlers and I've been able to get a real idea of what they love. Several months ago, I purhased wall clings from Target that are a jungle animal motif. So, on the back of the door and on the closet door, I've hung elephants, giraffes, monkeys, and snakes. They LOVE them. In addition, Jason's aunt and uncle bought them several HUGE (4 feet tall) stuffed animals for Christmas last year. They have a panda, gorilla, elephant, giraffe and zebra. So, while perusing, I came across these:

The first two designs come in a pack of four. All are available in any color choices. You should see the huge ants she has, too, that come in a pack of 30, I think? I wanted to get those but, after much thought, it would give me the heebie jeebies. Then, from their ceiling, I'm going to get some fishing wire and hang 24 of these:

Each wall in their room will be a different color. I'm thinking shades of green/yellow. I found some great color choices at Behr; honeydew (410A-3), southern breeze (450E-3) and periodot (430C-3). The ceiling, I'm thinking, should be a very pale blue since the butterflies will be hanging. I can't wait to get the supplies! They should be here within the next week!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Wednesday, Wednesday
I am so excited! I picked up a good deal on fabric and I'm simply mad for Amy Butler and Joel Dewberry. They are magnificently brilliant designers.

I'm making two sundresses for Elizabeth out of the fourth and eighth fabric. The rest are going to be for ponytail holders, hair handkerchiefs and whatever else I can come up with. They're beautiful colors, aren't they?
We finally broke down and decided it was time for Elizabeth to get her first haircut. It was a DISASTER! I was nearly in tears by the time we left and I actually had to just walk out when it was over. The woman was a monster. She was just nasty, unpleasant and seemed bothered that we had the audacity to walk in and expect her to cut our child's hair. We went to Cartoon Cuts, expecting that, since they are geared towards kids, they'd be perfect. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! Her attitude was terrible, she never smiled, she answered her personal cell phone...I told her this was our first haircut and, according to the store's policy, she should have collected the hair to put into a plastic bag and print out a certificate for us. She brushed Ellie's hair onto the floor, where I had to kneel down to pick it up. At that point, I told her that I just wanted the bangs trimmed and not to do the rest of the hair. She didn't even fix Ellie's bangs, they're crooked for crying out loud! She didn't have any plastic bags for the hair, and said she didn't have anymore certificates up front and didn't know where to look for them in the back. I asked if she could check and she said, "I'm here alone and said I don't know where to look." So, she charged me $5.99 and I didn't give her her a tip. I was distraught by the time it was all over. I suppose I'm just a sentimental fool. Anyway, here's my big girl sitting on daddy's lap.

I decided I'd wait to get Ethan's done, since the experience was so miserable. I'll have to check with a few other mom's in the area and see who they recommend. We have our 18 month check-up next week for Ethan. Dr. W didn't have a twin slot this month, so we had to split them up. I'm quite certain she'll just do both of them at the same time. She's such a wonderful woman. We also have to go pick up Ellie's new shoes tomorrow. Her "big girl shoes" came in while we were in Boston. Poor kiddo will have to wear these special shoes 24/7 for four months. I feel for the kid, I really do. Apparently, this is a common ailment in twins, as they spend so much time being squished in the womb.
Speaking of twins!!! What the heck is the deal with Angelina Jolie? I was reading the statement by her doctor that this is common practice in twins to have the mother hospitalized for the last few weeks. Huh? And, he went on to say that it's common, especially for women who had a prior c-section. It always amazes me when I read about celebrity parents, especially the twin parents because, let's face it, it's all the rage in Hollywood to have twins. Anyway, these women have no idea what the reality of being a parent of multiples is all about. Nannies? Chefs? Night nurses? Gimme a break.

I'm making two sundresses for Elizabeth out of the fourth and eighth fabric. The rest are going to be for ponytail holders, hair handkerchiefs and whatever else I can come up with. They're beautiful colors, aren't they?
We finally broke down and decided it was time for Elizabeth to get her first haircut. It was a DISASTER! I was nearly in tears by the time we left and I actually had to just walk out when it was over. The woman was a monster. She was just nasty, unpleasant and seemed bothered that we had the audacity to walk in and expect her to cut our child's hair. We went to Cartoon Cuts, expecting that, since they are geared towards kids, they'd be perfect. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! Her attitude was terrible, she never smiled, she answered her personal cell phone...I told her this was our first haircut and, according to the store's policy, she should have collected the hair to put into a plastic bag and print out a certificate for us. She brushed Ellie's hair onto the floor, where I had to kneel down to pick it up. At that point, I told her that I just wanted the bangs trimmed and not to do the rest of the hair. She didn't even fix Ellie's bangs, they're crooked for crying out loud! She didn't have any plastic bags for the hair, and said she didn't have anymore certificates up front and didn't know where to look for them in the back. I asked if she could check and she said, "I'm here alone and said I don't know where to look." So, she charged me $5.99 and I didn't give her her a tip. I was distraught by the time it was all over. I suppose I'm just a sentimental fool. Anyway, here's my big girl sitting on daddy's lap.
I decided I'd wait to get Ethan's done, since the experience was so miserable. I'll have to check with a few other mom's in the area and see who they recommend. We have our 18 month check-up next week for Ethan. Dr. W didn't have a twin slot this month, so we had to split them up. I'm quite certain she'll just do both of them at the same time. She's such a wonderful woman. We also have to go pick up Ellie's new shoes tomorrow. Her "big girl shoes" came in while we were in Boston. Poor kiddo will have to wear these special shoes 24/7 for four months. I feel for the kid, I really do. Apparently, this is a common ailment in twins, as they spend so much time being squished in the womb.
Speaking of twins!!! What the heck is the deal with Angelina Jolie? I was reading the statement by her doctor that this is common practice in twins to have the mother hospitalized for the last few weeks. Huh? And, he went on to say that it's common, especially for women who had a prior c-section. It always amazes me when I read about celebrity parents, especially the twin parents because, let's face it, it's all the rage in Hollywood to have twins. Anyway, these women have no idea what the reality of being a parent of multiples is all about. Nannies? Chefs? Night nurses? Gimme a break.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
And baby makes...
As I sit here watching Ethan standing on top of the couch, hollering at the people out back and seeing Ellie curled up on the couch with the dog while watching Pooh, I'm still in a world of shock.
Jason and I decided a while ago that there would be no more kids for a few years because of financial woes. Having twins with crappy medical insurance was costly for us. Very costly. Of course, we both always wanted three kids, but figured we'd have 2 in kindergarten before we'd try for another. We were set to take care of the financial stuff, freeing up some money to put away in savings. I struggle with fertility issues thanks to PCOS and it's nearly impossible to get pregnant. So, imagine my surprise when I started feeling icky the last few days and decided to take a test. That second line is definitely there! And, of course, everything is making sense now. Our dog has been increasingly clingy and protective of me. The babies have wanted to spend a lot of time on my tummy and chest, snuggling. The cats won't stay off of me; Dax sleeps on my pillow or right next to me. I've been exhausted as of late. Now I know why I'm not losing weight, even while working out.
As I sit here watching Ethan standing on top of the couch, hollering at the people out back and seeing Ellie curled up on the couch with the dog while watching Pooh, I'm still in a world of shock.
Jason and I decided a while ago that there would be no more kids for a few years because of financial woes. Having twins with crappy medical insurance was costly for us. Very costly. Of course, we both always wanted three kids, but figured we'd have 2 in kindergarten before we'd try for another. We were set to take care of the financial stuff, freeing up some money to put away in savings. I struggle with fertility issues thanks to PCOS and it's nearly impossible to get pregnant. So, imagine my surprise when I started feeling icky the last few days and decided to take a test. That second line is definitely there! And, of course, everything is making sense now. Our dog has been increasingly clingy and protective of me. The babies have wanted to spend a lot of time on my tummy and chest, snuggling. The cats won't stay off of me; Dax sleeps on my pillow or right next to me. I've been exhausted as of late. Now I know why I'm not losing weight, even while working out.
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