I took Ellie to the orthopedic surgeon today. When she started pulling herself up to stand, she'd stand on the outside part of her feet. Then, when she started walking, we noticed her feet were turned slightly inward. Well, over time, her little feet have turned inward more and she's falling a lot. The doctor feels that this is due to being a twin and being squished in my belly. We'll have to really watch her knees, too, because they don't line up with the proper toes. She's going to have these fancy shoes that have to be fitted and made for her feet and will wear those for four months. Poor kid. I guess it's better to do it know while she doesn't know any better.
Anyway, this brings me to my point of the day. I'm never going to allow anyone to make me second guess my instincts, again. I adore our pediatrician, I really do. She's one of the best in the area, the head of the practice, and very good with the kids. But, she tends to be a little too laid back, sometimes. She felt Ellie would outgrow this foot issue, but I really pushed it a little bit at a time. I feel like I've been fighting for my kids from birth. When I was pregnant, we found an issue with Ethan's kidneys and they wanted to keep a close eye on me. The specialist felt it warranted an ultrasound immediately at birth. Well, we ended up having to go with the on-staff pediatrician at the hospital we delivered at and the guy was a real jackhole. I fought for four days before getting a different pediatrian in the hospital that would listen and do the ultrasound. Thank heavens I did that, because he needed to see a urologist and nephrologist at Children's Hospital for 10 months. He had hydronephrosis: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000474.htm . I guess it's just something we must do, as parents? We have to be their advocates. Which, in all reality, is our job, of course. Doctors are only human and we all make mistakes, not to mention I'm sure they deal with parents who jump to conclusions all the time. Either way, we're not switching peds. She's an amazing woman and I respect her tremendously.
I've stumbled upon a few new favorite things. First of all, I got my new bag! This woman is phenomenal. I stumbled across her site one night and e-mailed her after looking at some of her fabrics. I expressed my thoughts and she worked with me and used one of the fabrics that I wanted to use. Anyway, I couldn't be happier! http://clutterbags.etsy.com/ (She just took her bags off-line today to finish up the huge demand, but check back. Really, she's a genius!) The first one is my new favorite!

A few of my other favorites:
- http://www.tinytotgreetings.com/home.html Angela is an extremely talented graphic artist/designer. She's also a fellow mom of twins, who are just as cute as can be.
- http://appetitehome.etsy.com/ Beautiful things!
- http://pdxbeanies.etsy.com/ Stunning hand-knitted hats for kids (and adults). They're adorable!
- http://aprilscott.etsy.com/ Yummy little dresses for little Figgies! We're buying the window pane dress, soon!
Okay, folks. That's it for me, this afternoon. I'm beat and my little Figgy refuses to take a nap. She crashed in the car, but doesn't seem to want to sleep anymore. Bummer!
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