My youngest brother was here visiting from Oregon for two weeks. I can't believe he is 19 years old. It seems like just yesterday he was sitting in my lap drinking a bottle and we were hopping on the plane to move to Japan. He's a young man, now. While here, we took a trip to the zoo and National Aquarium where he witnessed just how difficult it can be to corral two 2.5 year olds while wearing a newborn. They did beautifully at the zoo but I do have to say that my daughter is a free spirited child. There is not a sense of fear in her and she has no time to listen to mommy.

Trying to get them to both look at the camera at the same time has proven to be a task greater than finding the Lochness Monster or Bigfoot.
The aquarium was so hot and so crowded. We got a ticket for the 1100 entrance time and the kids loved it! There was great excitement and they are still talking about how much fun they had. I'm going to attempt a trip during the week to the National Harbor Aquarium closer to us.

I wish I had more pictures to share but this camera that was given to us as a gift is horrible (Nikon CoolPix). I'm going to go dig out the broken camera (Kodak something-or-other) and just use that. I think we'll use part of our tax return and invest in a good camera.
We've been spending a great amount of time in the backyard now that we have a new patio set with umbrella and some flowers out there. In the next few weeks we'll be having the old fence replaced and it'll be much nicer.

We've also found our own little private park up the road and spend at least two or three mornings each week there. It's quiet, tucked away and there are picnic tables, a walking path and places to bbq. There is only ever one or two other kids there, but we are usually by ourselves. On one side there is a tot lot for the younger kids and the other side is for the bigger kids (mine consider themselves bigger kids, of course). We love it.

In other news, my brother got a dog! His wife finally allowed him the one thing he has wanted most of all for several years and the puppy is adorable.

Meghan is growing by leaps and bounds. The difference between her and the twins is astounding. I can only explain this by saying I am nursing her and she is very much a boob girl. She will not tolerate anyone else attempting to soothe her and that can wear on me after a particularly rough day. She has a wicked sense of humor just like her brother and sister did (and do). Her laughter is contagious.

I have to share with you a few finds that I simply love! The first has been a great one because it has helped us to prevent sticky spills and wasted apple juice. I must preface this by saying my kids do not drink much juice. It is for special occasions or the occasional birthday party. It has been a life saver, though.
The Juice Pal!
The next item is one that we're ordering this week. My kids love, love, love popcorn but will not leave the kernels alone. I'll let you know what I think of it.
The Kernel Katcher Popcorn Bowl!